In 2011, the Ram Narain Dahiya Educational Trust made its foray into K12 private school education with a singular purpose – to breach and surpass the existing benchmarks in education and bring the finest learning experiences to students.

Swimming against the tide of conventional rote/textbook practices, we began with a handful of students and teachers, and a carefully designed intent to be a space where holistic development was the norm, where lifelong learning was the ultimate goal, and where, through progressive, personalized learning methods, the student was the centre of all endeavours.

Learning at our schools is never linear; instead, students are immersed in the multidimensional and the experiential system of learning. They play, they perform, they experiment, they interact. They are encouraged towards value-led pursuits so that they comprehend their role in the larger context of community and the world. We integrate an experiential pedagogy and extensive use of technology into our educational practices. We place considerable curricular emphasis on sports and the arts. Our faculty is challenged and empowered to engage students in processes that help them develop self-esteem, self-discipline, cooperation, and the self-motivation necessary to be successful human beings.

Our thinking struck a chord with parents, and we found we had created a tribe of believers. Moving from strength to strength, we are now a School with 1300+ student and 150+ staff.

Students at the Scholars are well-rounded individuals, enjoying academics, sports and the arts, and with high levels of emotional intelligence. Strong communication skills, social warmth, grit, compassion and adaptability are their hallmarks. They are curious and reflective learners, on a journey of self-discovery, but aware of local and global environments. They are confident and comfortable in their own skins. And most of all, they have an attitude of excellence. Such children are the leaders and change-makers of the future. And we, at the Scholars Global School, are proud to be their springboard to life.

"A man of knowledge lives by acting, not by thinking about acting. ~ Carlos Castaneda "