Scholars Global School believes in the holistic development of its students and to nurture the students with the right skills and values it has a pre-planned program in place. Scholars Academic calendar is ingrained with co curricular activities. Class activities, workshops, literature festivals and Competitions are organised to instill right blend of collaborative, leadership, sportsmanship and competitive spirit in students.


The entire students are divided into 4 clubs namely- Leaders, Achievers, Champions and Victors. All students at the time of admission are allotted a club and that club remains as a part of their student life at Scholars. The Club works as a team and senior students hold various positions as Club Captain, cultural captain, sports captain, literary captains and prefects.These student council members manage the discipline of the school, host several events, lead the parade on sports day and help the teachers in selection of students for various competitions.

Every year a tally of marks are created to select the best performing club of the year and a trophy is awarded on Annual Day.


Hobbies and leisure activities help students to nurture their interests and soothe their minds. To help students identify their interests and develop new hobbies, Scholarites choose an academy every year. They chose from gardening, needlework, gadgetries, chess, digital arts, visual Arts, Crafts, theatre, Aerobics, broadcast etc..

They display their learning in an annual exhibition named SRIJAN.

"A man of knowledge lives by acting, not by thinking about acting. ~ Carlos Castaneda "