Early literacy skills have conclusively shown that rhythm and rhyme play a hugely important role. This is because children’s early literacy skills are about listening and speaking rather than reading and writing. These first two skills are the bedrock foundation for the latter and create much stronger ability in the latter if ingrained deeply and early on. To enable young learners to learn phonics and sight words by discriminating sounds and rhyming patterns audibly. At Scholars, we have rhyme time each day in the Early years where little ones recite rhymes designated for that month together in the classrooms and while boarding buses. Those who have a good understanding of rhyme from an early age vastly outperformed those who had little exposure to it before they started school.

Children love Circle Time, Circle Time brings just the right blend of structure, enjoyment, and learning conducted.

Quality Circle Time (QCT) is a very exciting, democratic, and creative approach used to support teachers and other professionals work with pupils in managing issues that affect the whole learning community. QCT has proved successful in promoting better relationships amongst students and teachers and helps with positive behavior management. These are the two most effective attributes required for learning and the smooth and harmonious behavior of students at school.

This program has added value to our pre-primary and primary wing. Students not only shed their inhibitions to speak their feelings but also take their jobs seriously for problem-solving. The bonding between students and teachers enhances and they become more open and accepting of others’ viewpoints.

Show and tell (or show and share) is the first opportunity wherein young children stand up in front of a small group and speak. The opportunity to do a show and tell begins in kindergarten, and continues till early classes of primary school. It is a wonderful introduction to public speaking as children are often given the option of speaking about a topic they know well and are interested in. Speaking about something you love always makes you love it even more!

It has a positive impact on the student’s confidence level and communication skills and active listening skills. At Scholars, the kids start with their toys and continue with their family and friends, and go on to express their emotions about happenings. This enhances their creative writing skills.

'A child alone is smart, but together they are brilliant!'

To foster the spirit of teamwork amongst the young Scholarites, Scholars Global School hosts class wise presentations to celebrate special occasions.

Every child of the class is involved in the preparation process and final participation. The parent body of the presenting class is invited to be a part of the esteemed audience to the event.

The teachers work in collaboration with the children to ensure that the final event culminates smoothly and successfully. In the process, the young Scholarites learn valuable life lessons of confidence, leadership and synergy.

Genius Hour is inquiry-based, student-directed learning. Often called Passion Pursuit, it allows students to look at the big wide world around them and explore their unique interests in a loosely structured, but supported way. It is a time when students are in control; choosing what they study, how they study it, and what they produce or create as a result. As a learning model, it promotes inquiry, research, creativity, and self-directed learning. At Scholars students choose between music, art, dance, reading, science activities, I.T, life skills, and robotics etc. and follow serious pursuit in the discipline they are passionate about. This sets students up to be curious lifelong learners.

Genius Hour creates a pathway for intrinsic motivation, generating questions and diving deeply into topics that help students focus and problem solve, as we coach them, conference with them, and help them reflect as they go through the process.

All in all, Genius Hour is the best way to ‘Unlock Your Inner Genius’!

Vocabulary represents one of the most important skills necessary for teaching and learning a foreign language. It is the basis for the development of all the other skills: reading comprehension, listening comprehension, speaking, writing, spelling, and pronunciation. Vocabulary is the main tool for the students in their attempt to use English effectively. The more words students learn, the easier they memorize them.

This program is ingrained in the school system from class-2 onwards. A story is shared which is age-appropriate and words are selected from the story which will build the vocabulary. The story is read aloud in the class and each day 3 words are explained with meaning and sentences are formed. When the card is filled oral drills are conducted for memorization. A test is conducted once all the words are covered. At the end of the year, A word journey festival is conducted where students and teachers are declared winners with prize distribution.

Techniques for Memorizing Vocabulary focus on learning based on a system of rules and vocabulary knowledge. Repetition is an important technique in learning vocabulary. For the words to be kept as long as possible in memory, they must be repeated at frequent periods. It must be accompanied by the understanding of the meaning of those particular words and by correlation with other similar already learned words.

Practicing vocabulary is strongly connected to applying vocabulary to students’ real-life events. It’s simply not possible to be a good writer if you don’t, first of all, have a good vocabulary.

In the past few centuries, literature is being celebrated across the world for its effect on culture, and books and stories are being appreciated in every corner of the world. Aligning with this movement, Scholars Global School organizes its in-house literature festival 'Katha Yatra' every year.

Students get a chance to meet their favorite authors, participate in activities like caricature drawing, storytelling, gimp workshops and puppet shows.

The three-day event helps to inculcate the habit of reading amongst the students in a fun and creative manner.

All in all, 'Katha Yatra @ Scholars Global School' is a celebration of words and worlds that whisk the students out of their own perspectives into entirely new ones.

Every child is a different flower, and together they make this world a beautiful garden!

To celebrate the vibrance that children spread all around, Scholars Global School organizes a 'Baal Mela' on its campus every year. The fete is hosted on November 14, on the occasion of Children's Day, as a rich tribute to Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, who strongly believed in lovingly and carefully nurturing children, as they are the future of the nation and citizens of tomorrow.

Preparations for the same begin well in advance with teachers planning the activities to be conducted and engaging the students accordingly. Senior students set up stalls to entertain juniors and thereby groom their own leadership skills.

On the day of the fete, the entire school is gripped with excitement, energy, and life as myriad stalls, including fun games, food delicacies, puppet shows, nail art and best out of waste shops, adorn the school grounds.

Children participate in all the activities with great enthusiasm and joy. All in all, it is a day full of fun, frolic, and entertainment.

The difference between ordinary and extraordinary is the little 'extra'. Scholars Global School believes in treading the 'extra' mile when it comes to the holistic development of its students.

Scholars Global School is proud to be the first school in its district, to host the prestigious international 'TEDx' event in its school campus. The event itself is uniquely fabricated to synergize the three elements of Technology, Entertainment, and Design onto a common platform.

What makes TEDx @ Scholars Global School different is the fact that the event also features talks curated and delivered by student speakers, along with the talks of eminent speakers.

The event is a grand celebration of the school's zeal for taking initiative and encouraging something different and positive in its community.

Every child has a special talent. We, at Scholars Global School, believe that it is not only our duty but also our privilege to discover and hone these talents in the best possible manner.

All year-round, the school dedicates scheduled slots in the timetables of students of grades 6 to 8, for different 'Academies', wherein students get the opportunity to learn different skills like leadership, gardening, aerobics, yoga, best out of waste, cooking without fire and chess, gadgetries, robotics, broadcast to name a few.

These learnings culminate with a grand display by the students in an annual exhibition 'Srijan'. Parents take an active part in workshops and competitions held by various academies.

All in all, Srijan is a fun-filled initiative taken up by the school, which not only helps the students showcase their talents, but also helps in building their confidence and bringing the community together.

Most educational trips pay much attention to outdoor activities with a wide range of aspects in life. They provide real-life and authentic experiences; help improve their lessons and catch up with innovative teaching which is more practical and meaningful and acts as a guide to inspire and stimulate students to understand the world that exists beyond the school curriculums. To be more precise, students are encouraged to learn not only knowledge but also soft skills, life skills, communication skills, and more. Educational field trips are effective methods to teach difficult subjects such as history, biology, or physics. It is easy for students to learn these topics by seeing and experiencing real life. For example, teachers bring the students to a historical museum to learn stories, events, and characters in history subject. Educational trips also help students to have so much fun. With support, help, and guide from teachers, educational tours act as a mobile class for students at Scholars Global School.

Through community outreach initiatives, the Scholars Global School aims to develop caring, well-balanced, and responsible young global citizens. Community outreach at SGS is part of our transdisciplinary curriculum and an important part of fostering the SGS learners’ profile. Engaging students in community service projects is a wonderful way of encouraging our students to be principled, caring, and open-minded. We know that learning outside the classroom and helping others encourages empathy and understanding in our students and results in well rounded, responsible, and well balanced global citizens.

At the SGS campus, community outreach initiatives are led by the Grades 6th to 9th student council. Other charities and causes are run on a class basis. This includes regular visits to aged care facilities and orphanages by our students. SGS also works with NGO’s to provide emergency funds and necessary items during large scale natural disasters like the Kerala floods.

'One cannot bid adieu to those whom one has grown to love, for the memories made will last a lifetime and will never know a good-bye'.

The school farewell is easily one of the most emotional days of a student's life as the joy of stepping into a new world is mixed with the sadness of leaving their friends and carefree life behind.

Every year, Scholars Global School organizes a farewell program 'Adios Amigos' for the outgoing batch of students. The event witnesses’ myriad cultural performances by the students of grade 11. Many interesting and tricky games are also organized to pep up the environment. The students are also bestowed different titles based on their talents and performances in a few lighthearted and fun rounds of competition.

The school management and principal also prepare the children for the future through their address and parting speech.

To sum up, 'Adios Amigos' is a day filled with fun, excitement, and nostalgia!

"A man of knowledge lives by acting, not by thinking about acting. ~ Carlos Castaneda "