After the Grant of Admission The Admission Office shall facilitate issuance/ allotment of the following for each student:
  • Class/Section
  • Club/House
  • Temporary ID Card (It must be presented, if asked for at the Security Gate of the school or bus stop)

Parent’s Login: All parents are issued username and password to access Parent Portal. Parent portal centralises all the school-parent interaction and serves as a single point of reference for parents. It enables parents to monitor their child’s everyday activities and keep up with schools as well as teachers. It comes with features such as school event tracking, student attendance module, assignment status & submission, disciplinary remarks, parent diary, fee management, examination & result, among others. This can be done by clicking ‘Parent’s Login’ link on the homepage of school website

Contact Details:

Please check and verify your contact details and mailing address in Parent Portal by clicking Any change in your contact details (address & phone no.) should be intimated in writing an email to or through application in person at School Reception.

School Circulars and Communication:

All circulars and communication are sent either through ERP, SMS or hard copy. In case you are not receiving any communication please contact Front Office at +91-8930793004/05/06.

Fixing Appointments:

Parents wishing to meet School Principal/ In charge or any staff member may do so by fixing prior appointment which is facilitated by Front Office staff.

Note: School textbooks and Uniforms can be purchased on announced dates.

Parents Orientation:

We at Scholars Global School believe that children and parents are our primary stakeholders and are at the centre of every task we take up. As part of this belief, we ensure that every parent is made completely aware of the surroundings that we provide at SGS for their children to flourish.

After the admissions are over an orientation session is conducted for Parents in last week of March or 1st week of April where new parents are taken through the infrastructural facilities, academic calendar, teaching methodologies, and other facilities which would be available to our children. Every parent is given adequate attention and a demonstration will be arranged wherever required.

Further, during the course of the academic session, regular meets are arranged between parents and teachers (PTM's), where teachers apprise the parents of the development of their wards. These sessions are highly interactive sessions, where the school would answer each and every query to the parents’ satisfaction. Also, parents will be regularly informed of the various activities through the children’s almanac.

"We keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things, because we’re curious and curiosity leads us down new paths.~ Walt Disney "