At this stage, we empower our students to meet the demanding intensity of board exams, career choices and higher study options. Primed with academic rigour and self-confidence, they begin to take responsibility for their learning and rationalization. Our students are encouraged to continue on their value-laden path, leading change in their community and eventually globally, as thinkers, communicators, and contributors.

School plans strategically the progress of the students. They are monitored and mentored by the teachers and continuous feedback is given to the parents for building a partnership for student success. Periodic tests are conducted and test analysis is done to find the weak and strong areas of the students. After the findings are documented, the content-specific classes are conducted. The students are segregated strategically on the basis of their problem areas.

Students are given motivational workshops and subject experts are invited to enlighten about the trends and uniqueness of Board question papers. To keep the student ready for the board exams, question papers are also set by the experienced faculty of other schools or subject experts from different schools, to give them exposure to unknown questions as per board exams. All these efforts guide students towards the pathway of excellence in board exams.

"The most wasted of all days is one without laughter. ~ E E Cummings "